Empower Best Practices

Best Practices

Hassle Free, In No Time.

Hassle Free,
In No Time.

Keep your code clean with Exlint.
Say goodbye to bad code and
messy multi-repo compliance.
Blue background
Stylint logo
Eslint logo
Prettier logo
Depchek logo
Rule Added:'color-named': ['never']
Rule Added:'indent': ['error', 'tab'],
Configuration Updated:tabWidth: 4,printWidth: 110
Configuration Updated:"ignores": [

$ exlint run

Share conventions in a matter of seconds

Share conventions
in a matter of seconds

Never compromise on custom compliance configurations again

Tech Leads / Team Managers

Enable best practices in teams
with easy compliance setup
Simple setup and easy iterations
Quick appliance in multiple repositories
Total privacy - code is analyzed locally
History, analytics, permissions - Coming soon


Create policies in minutes with
0 manual files - write bettercode
Easy rule creation within our web app
Integrate multiple policies as groups
Quick and effortless updating
Open Source CLI
CI Integrations
$ exlint use   <group_id>
policies dashboard

Empower efficient
conventional best practices

Run your first complance check in a matter of minutes

Exlint logo

Get started for free today.

Don’t settle on quality,

Don’t settle
on quality,

enforce clean code.

clean code.

Open Source

Best for individual
developers and teams
Unlimited policy
group runs
Open Source CLI
GitHub Action CI/CD

Frequently Asked Questions

Asked Questions

What is a policy group run?

Do you require access to source code?

Is there a public roadmap?

What support do you provide?

What languages do you support?